I'm Jelle van Snik, I specialise in full stack development

I am a Dutch developer with a keen attention to detail, looking at applications from all angles. My passions lie in UI design and crafting scalable infrastructure.

Aside from development, I love to play musical instruments and I spend far too much time finding new indie-games to play.

Currently a student at Codam Coding College, upping my knowledge on lower level programming. The curriculum contains exciting projects such as creating your own OS kernel and making a gameboy emulator - both from scratch. Both of which I'm unreasonably excited for.

My projects

Carefully picked projects, emphasising
the ones I enjoyed the most

My writing

I like to pass on my knowledge,
my thoughts and my mistakes

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The challenges of planning SkillForm

I get it, as a developer you don't want to bother with planning ahead. How annoying it may be, it is very important.

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How I'm making Skillform

The conception of a microservice-based teaching platform.

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